Sutton Bridge and Long Sutton
Both surgeries dispense medications for patients who live more than one mile from the chemist who are on the current dispensing list. There is a chemist in both Sutton Bridge and Long Sutton. Please post or hand in the computerised slip with the appropriate items ticked. We do not normally accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions. Please allow two working days (48 hours) for the practice to process your repeat prescription, or three working days (72 hours) when the week includes a Bank Holiday. Particularly busy times are both the Easter and Christmas holidays; please hand in your repeat prescription in good time to ensure continuity of your medications. The practice dispensaries are open between the hours of 8.30am and 6.00pm from Monday to Friday.
Online: You can order repeat prescriptions online.
To use EMIS Patient Access you will need a Practice ID number and Access ID number which can be obtained from the practice, and, in conjunction with a password, will be unique to you.
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